Shockwave Therapy: An Alternative to Surgery
There’s some exciting news electrifying the world of podiatry today: a shocking alternative to invasive surgical procedures! Though it was invented in the mid-1960s, this innovative treatment method has become especially known in the last few decades thanks to advancements in podiatric medicine. While traditional surgical methods are appropriate in certain cases and often serve as viable options to treat various foot and ankle issues, podiatrists have worked hard to develop less invasive alternatives that produce similar or better results. One of these treatment methods, in particular, called Shockwave Therapy, is a treatment offered by Dr. Lily Khavari to address several types of foot and ankle pain. Though Shockwave Therapy is most commonly used to treat heel pain, that’s not all it can be used to address:
- Stress fractures
- Corns & Calluses
- Neuromas
While the name of this treatment method might sound like it could be painful, Shockwave Therapy is well known for being relatively painless. Shockwave Therapy utilizes high-intensity soundwaves by directing them at target areas that are painful, inflamed, or uncomfortable. These soundwaves penetrate the tissues deep within our bodies. As a result, they stimulate the growth and development of healthy new tissues to replace damaged, inflamed tissues. Prior to Shockwave Therapy becoming widely used with leading podiatrists, foot issues like plantar fasciitis and chronic tendinitis were treated by surgical intervention. It can take a lot of time to prepare for surgery when you consider getting time off of work, having to go under anesthesia and the recovery time of the incision site. When comparing this to trying Shockwave Therapy first, you could:
- Avoid long waits for a surgery date
- Going under anesthesia
- Having a long and risky healing period
- Taking up to a week or more off of work
- Virtually eliminate a painful recovery that requires drugs
- Enjoying the same success rate as invasive surgery
- Save money in the long-run with a cost-effective procedure
Our team at Carrollton Foot Center in Carrollton, Texas offers the best care in town. If Shockwave Therapy has piqued your interest, follow up today! Call us at (469) 998-3668 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Khavari.