
Kick Off Spring with Kickball

Every year on April 17th, people around the world observe National Kickball Day. Kickball, depending on which part of the world you’re in, can either be the same as soccer (or football, in European countries) or it could be that game we all played in gym class during grade school. Ironically, the term ‘kickball’ is actually a shortened version of its original name, ‘kick baseball.’ As a sport, kickball originated in the early 1900s in Cincinnati, Ohio. Regardless of what kickball means to you or how you choose to play it, this fun activity is a very foot-heavy sport that relies on the endurance and resilience of our feet and ankles. Even when we’re all grown up and out of grade school, kickball can be a fun past time between a group of adults.

If you’re looking to start a kickball meet up, more power to you! It’s important, however, to keep your feet and ankles in mind when getting back into such an active pastime. What are some ways you can keep your feet and ankles in mind when looking to start playing kickball again?

Supportive shoes

Making sure that you have an appropriate pair of shoes for the standing and running around required for kickball is so important! Take some time to remember what issues you have had in the past, like heels that start to ache after standing for some time, or toes that cramp up. Be sure to consider these factors when choosing a pair of shoes for kickball!

Stretching it out

Before and after you plan to be active, be sure to get those stretches in. Dr. Lilly Khavari is a great resource for foot-friendly stretching exercises to make sure you’re warmed up and ready for the competition ahead. Take it a step farther by preparing ahead of time – if your first kickball visit is in one month, start doing exercises and training your feet and ankles to be ready for activity again today! Checking up – by far, one of the most beneficial things you can do to make sure you’re ready to get active on the field again is to check up on your foot and ankle health at Carrollton Foot Center in Carrollton, Texas. Take care of yourself by being proactive – call us today at (469) 998-3668 to schedule an appointment!

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