
3 Top Tips to Keep Your Feet Safe at the Beach

Summer is here! What are your warm weather plans? A favorite for many is hitting the beach and enjoying the cool breeze, hot sun, and refreshing waves. But take care at the beach, because there are plenty of opportunities to injure your feet. Between hot pavement, walking barefoot in less than supportive footwear, and strong UV rays, pay attention to the care and health of your feet during your beach visit.

Keep your feet safe and injury-free this summer with our top tips!:

1-Do Not Forget Sunscreen

Feet can easily get sunburned! Look at how thin the skin is on your feet, and protect them with a sunscreen lotion containing adequate SPF. Keep feet safe from sunburn and long-term sun exposure effects like skin cancer. Apply sunscreen to the tops and bottoms of your feet for sufficient protection against UV rays. Reapply lotion regularly, like after being in the water or taking a walk.

2-Protect Your Feet

Going barefoot and sinking your toes in the sand might be relaxing and what you are used to doing. But the sand often hides seashells, broken glass, and other sharp objects that can easily cut or puncture your bare feet. If you don’t happen to notice your injury, harmful bacteria from the sand, pavement, and water will enter it and lead to an infection. Remember, sand, pavement, and sidewalks get hot in the sun. You can avoid burns, blisters, cuts, and wounds by wearing supportive, protective shoes at the beach.

3-Pay Attention

Listen to your feet! Summer is usually a time for increased activity, which may leave your feet feeling worn down or in pain. If participating in a game of volleyball, soccer, or any other physical activity while at the beach, take breaks, protect your feet, and treat any potential injuries immediately.

Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari is committed to helping her clients in Carrollton, TX. She offers a variety of treatments, from ingrown toenails to advanced surgical solutions. Contact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!

A Swift Way to Stop Plantar Warts

If you have ever had plantar warts, then you know they can be painful. They are also contagious. Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari of the Carrollton Foot Center is pleased to announce she offers the Swift® Wart Removal System a fast, safe, and effective treatment option.

What are the benefits?

The FDA-cleared system treats the root cause of plantar warts by delivering spot-on microwave energy to stimulate the treatment area. In response, the body begins to heal and treat the wart. In short sessions, the Swift® technology gets the job done without breaking the skin, with less pain, and requires little to no recovery time. Another added benefit is you can apply treatment to multiple warts at once. 

For many patients, it takes multiple treatments with options like salicylic acid or cryotherapy. Side effects come along, too. There’s a way to avoid skin irritation and pain.

How do plantar warts form?

The FDA-cleared system treats the root cause of plantar warts by delivering spot-on microwave energy to stimulate the treatment area. In response, the body begins to heal and treat the wart. In short sessions, the Swift® technology gets the job done without breaking the skin, with less pain, and requires little to no recovery time. Another added benefit is you can apply treatment to multiple warts at once. 

Should I consider this treatment?

If you’re looking for a quick, effective way for plantar wart treatment and prepare your feet for a wart-free future, now is the time to learn more. Plantar warts can become painful and interfere with daily activities, such as walking or playing sports. If you have questions or wonder if this treatment is for you, schedule an appointment today.

Our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari, is here to help. She treats various conditions such as bunionscornscallusesdiabetic foot conditionsingrown toenailsplantar fasciitis, and more. We also offer advanced surgical solutions. Our team provides excellent service to patients in Denton, Dallas, and Collins counties. Contact our office at (469) 998-3668 for your foot and ankle solutions. Our office is at 4221 Medical Parkway, STE 450, in Carrollton, TX.

Back-to-School Rules

Do you know the rules for starting the school year on the right foot? Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari of the Carrollton Foot Center is here to help you and your family walk into the classroom with confidence about foot health and shoe choices. Here are a few questions to consider about your footwear this fall.

Are you sure about the shoe size? 

One month can make a big difference. Before you pick up a new pair of shoes in the same size as last month, think again. Take the time to measure your child’s feet. Whether the growth has been a half size or more, it’s worth your time to start things off right. Wearing ill-fitting shoes at a young age can impact future foot health.

Are you picking color over comfort? 

Trends come and go, but foot pain may stay. While selecting shoes during the back-to-school season, focus on comfort and support. Yes, shoes can be both fashionable and properly fitting. Now is the time to teach your child about the value of choosing long-term foot health over short-term trends.

Are you ignoring foot pain?

From sitting on the sidelines to complaining about wearing shoes, listen to how your child speaks about their footwear. Also, inspect your child’s feet. Redness, swelling, or others signs of pain are a cause for concern. Schedule an appointment with a podiatrist. 

Are you considering orthotics? 

Custom orthotics are for children, too. Learn more about how these prescriptive devices address your child’s unique foot needs. Pediatric foot care is a critical part of development, so don’t delay in exploring your options. 

Our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari, is here to help. She treats various conditions such as bunionscornscallusesdiabetic foot conditionsingrown toenailsplantar fasciitis, and more. We also offer advanced surgical solutions. Our team provides excellent service to patients in Denton, Dallas, and Collins counties. Contact our office at (469) 998-3668 for your foot and ankle solutions. Our office is at 4221 Medical Parkway, STE 450, in Carrollton, TX.

Signs of Achilles Tendinitis

What do you know about the Achilles tendon? If it’s strained, you may be feeling stiffness, pain, and discomfort. You can feel pain in the morning. You may also notice it more when wearing shoes with a closed back. Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari of the Carrollton Foot Center helps patients with this pain by providing treatment options to get them back to a healthy way of moving. Healing takes time, but making an appointment with a podiatrist is the first step.

What is the Achilles tendon?

The Achilles tendon is the longest and thickest in the body, and you can find it behind each leg. It connects the heel bone to the muscles in your calf and allows you to point your toes or stretch your leg.

What causes Achilles tendinitis?

Athletes commonly have Achilles tendinitis because of overuse or intensity levels. Often, their bodies need time to rest and recover. Poorly fitting shoes or an unhealthy weight can also contribute to an increased risk for an injury. Inflammation causes discomfort. 

What are the symptoms of Achilles Tendinitis?

You can notice pain, tenderness, or stiffness in the following locations:

  • Just above the heel bone
  • Behind the heel bone
  • Back of the leg

What are the treatment options for Achilles Tendinitis?

Before attempting to figure things out on your own, make an appointment with a podiatrist. We’re here to help you find relief and avoid worsening your injury. Before considering surgery, explore the following treatment options:

If a podiatrist determines there has been a rupture of the tendon, surgery is the best option.

Our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari, is here to help. She treats various conditions such as bunions, corns, calluses, diabetic foot conditions, ingrown toenails, plantar fasciitis, and more. We also offer advanced surgical solutions. Our team provides excellent service to patients in Denton, Dallas, and Collins counties. Contact our office at (469) 998-3668 for your foot and ankle solutions. Our office is at 4221 Medical Parkway, STE 450, in Carrollton, TX.

Summer Tips for Patients with Diabetes

Are you ready to stay steps ahead of your diabetes this summer? Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari of the Carrollton Foot Center is here to help. There are ways to have fun in the sun while reducing your risk for complications from this condition. When packing your bags or planning for a summer day out, here are some helpful tips to consider:

Don’t skip your daily foot checks

Sticking to healthy habits year-round is one way to stay ahead of complications from diabetes. Inspect your feet each day and keep your doctor in the loop about any changes you may see. If you’re on vacation, set a reminder for your daily checks, or ask a travel partner to help with accountability. From new cuts and scratches to returning pain, it’s wise to share symptoms with your care team.

Stick to the plan

Are you attending a picnic or a family reunion? Choose your foods wisely. Stick to the food plan that has been working best for your health. Continue to monitor your blood sugar levels while you’re at events, and be prepared to make adjustments. Remember, leftovers are just as delicious. Portion control is a helpful habit to practice.

Keep your summer appointment

Whether you book your appointment before your vacation or when you return, don’t skip your regular visits with your podiatrist this summer. For patients with diabetes, timing is critical. Infections are a concern and can have dangerous complications, including amputations. So don’t forget to check your feet daily and include your podiatrist in your summer schedule this year. 

Our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari, is here to help. She treats various conditions such as bunions, corns, calluses, diabetic foot conditions, ingrown toenails, plantar fasciitis, and more. We also offer advanced surgical solutions. Our team provides excellent service to patients in Denton, Dallas, and Collins counties. Contact our office at (469) 998-3668 for your foot and ankle solutions. Our office is at 4221 Medical Parkway, STE 450, in Carrollton, TX.

Arthritis and Exercise: A Good Solution

When joint pain is at the top of your mind, exercising may seem like the last thing to do. In fact, it is one of the activities that podiatrists recommend. May is Arthritis Awareness Month, and Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari of the Carrollton Foot Center is sharing ways that exercise helps to reduce the discomfort that can come along with arthritis. Get moving this May and see how your new routine helps your condition.

In partnership with your treatment plan, here are some of the benefits:

Stronger muscles around your joints

Ignore the myth that exercise will only make joint pain and stiffness worse. Physical activity helps to strengthen the muscles around your joints. Without movement, the muscles around your joints weaken, which adds more stress. Exercise brings benefits — not more pain. Find the right activity to add to your schedule.

Weight management

Additional weight adds more stress to your joints. Once you’ve spoken with your doctor about an approved workout plan, it’s time to get moving. Maintaining a healthy weight not only helps with joint pain but also your heart health. From head to toe, exercise offers many benefits.

Energy booster

If you’re looking for a mood-booster, you’ll love a great workout. Physical activity also helps with our stamina. We recommend workouts that are low-impact and that allow for gentle movement. If you have pain before an activity, apply heat. For post-activity care, apply ice to reduce swelling. Make your choice wisely by first consulting your doctor.

Find activities outdoors or indoors. Work out alone or in a group. We’re excited to hear how exercise improves your joint pain. Our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari, is here to help. She treats various conditions such as bunions, corns, calluses, diabetic foot conditions, ingrown toenails, plantar fasciitis, and more. We also offer advanced surgical solutions. Our team provides excellent service to patients in Denton, Dallas, and Collins counties. Contact our office at (469) 998-3668 for your foot and ankle solutions. Our office is at 4221 Medical Parkway, STE 450, in Carrollton, TX.

What is Lapiplasty?

There’s a solution for your bunion — and a way to fix the source of your pain. Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari of the Carrollton Foot Center is pleased to offer Lapiplasty ®, an innovative 3D bunion correction procedure. Bunions are a common foot problem that can cause pain for many patients. Traditional surgeries may reduce the pain; however, they don’t address the root problem. Learn more about this innovative procedure and contact us today.     

What is a bunion?

A bunion is much more than the bump alongside your big toe joint. It’s a progressive toe deformity that will only worsen over time. For some patients, walking can become painful. Over time, these progressive toe deformities can also lead to hammertoes and arthritis.

How does this procedure help?

Lapiplasty ® fixes the alignment of the unstable bone anatomy, which causes the toe deformity. The benefit is that this procedure offers a permanent solution by treating the root cause of the bunion. Here are additional benefits:

  • Restore your natural anatomy with one surgery.
  • Wear shoes without the worry of your condition worsening.
  • Treat your pain for good.

What’s after surgery?

Within days of surgery, patients can walk in a boot — not a cast. We love to share that our patients can skip the casts and have minimal downtime. While patients must still take it easy, a boot helps them ease back into regular activities.

Before you get discouraged, learn more about how you can say “goodbye” to your bunion pain for good. We also offer the miniBunion™ procedure, which is minimally invasive.  Carrollton Foot Center, our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari, treats a variety of conditions such as bunions, corns, calluses, diabetic foot conditions, ingrown toenails, plantar fasciitis, and more. We also offer advanced surgical solutions. Our team provides excellent service to patients in Denton, Dallas, and Collins counties. Contact our office at (469) 998-3668 for your foot and ankle solutions. Our office is at 4221 Medical Parkway, STE 450, in Carrollton, TX.

Staying Safe at the Salon: 5 Pros and Cons of Pedicures

Many of us can benefit from an occasional pedicure’s ability to reduce inflammation, improve sensation in the feet, and promote healing. However, we at Carrollton Foot Center want you to know that pedicures can also be dangerous, especially for those with diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, and weakened immune systems.

In this article, we’ll weigh both sides of the bathtub, from improved circulation to possible infection, to help you determine if pedicures are right for you.

The Pros and Cons

Pro: Improved Circulation

The massage techniques used by nail technicians stimulate blood flow in the feet and ankles.

Con: Infection

This massaging effect may not stimulate sensation in diabetics or those with peripheral nerve damage, meaning they are still susceptible to wounds from pedicure techniques.

Pro: Early Detection

Trained pedicurists can identify signs of potential problems like calluses and ingrown toenails.

Con: Inexperience

Untrained technicians may not notice the signs of a problem that a podiatrist can, leaving you with a false sense of security and confidence in your feet.

Pro: Exfoliation and Skin Health

Pedicures remove dead skin layers that lead to dryness, roughness, and cracking.

Con: Cuts and Abrasions

Even minor nicks from tools or buffing the cuticle can become entry points for infection, especially for diabetics with decreased circulation.

Pro: Improved Toe Health

Regular trimming and filing during a pedicure helps maintain proper toenail shape and generally prevents ingrown toenails.

Con: Ingrown Toenails

However, improper and aggressive trimming techniques can increase the risk of ingrown toenails and fungal nail infections.

Pro: Maintaining Good Foot Hygiene

The soaking, cleansing, and drying process removes dirt, sweat, and bacteria that can accumulate on the feet.

Con: Harsh and Unsanitary Tools

Improperly sterilized tools can spread bacteria or fungus. Some salons may also use strong chemicals in foot soaks or polishes that can irritate the skin, leading to allergic reactions or rashes.

Consult with Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari, an esteemed expert who is dedicated to her patients in Denton, Dallas, and Collins Counties. She helps with a wide breadth of issues, from ingrown toenails to diabetic neuropathy. Call Carrollton Foot Center’s office (located in Carrollton, Texas) at (469)-998-3668 to schedule your initial appointment today!

Fouling Out: 5 Game-Stopping Basketball Foot Injuries

The NBA finals are here, which means summer leagues, AAU, and intense training sessions are upon us. We at Carrollton Foot Center understand that basketball is a fast-paced sport that demands a lot from your feet all year round.

Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, learning common basketball foot injuries and proper foot care is essential for staying healthy and hitting those jumpers this summer. That’s what this blog’s about.

Common Basketball Foot Injuries

The constant jumping, stopping, and changing directions on the court carries a risk for various injuries:

  • Ankle Sprains: This is perhaps the most common basketball injury, occurring when the ligaments in your ankle overstretch or tear. It can happen due to landing awkwardly, stepping on someone’s foot, or rolling your ankle outwards. Symptoms include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty walking.
  • Plantar Fasciitis: This painful inflammation of the heel is often linked to repetitive stress from activities like basketball.
  • Achilles Tendonitis: Even legends such as Kobe Bryant have experienced issues with their Achilles. Overuse or tight calf muscles can irritate this tendon, causing pain and stiffness, particularly in the back of your heel and ankle.
  • Stress Fractures: These tiny cracks in the bones of your foot can develop from repetitive stress, especially in athletes who increase their training intensity too quickly.
  • Ingrown Toenails: Tight-fitting basketball shoes can put pressure on your toes, increasing the risk of ingrown toenails that dig into the surrounding skin, causing pain, redness, and swelling.

Essential Foot Care for Basketball Players

  • Invest in high-quality basketball shoes that provide adequate support, cushioning, and stability for your feet. Choose shoes specific to your playing position.
  • Regularly consulting a podiatrist can be highly beneficial, especially for athletes. They can assess your feet, identify potential problems early on, and recommend orthotics or other preventative measures.

By incorporating proper foot care practices into your routine, you can significantly reduce your risk of injuries and keep your feet healthy for optimal performance.

Consult with Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari, a well-respected expert who is eager to assist her patients in Denton, Dallas, and Collins Counties. She treats a vast array of issues, from ingrown toenails to plantar fasciitis. Call Carrollton Foot Center’s office (located in Carrollton, Texas) at (469)-998-3668 to book your initial consultation today!

Barefoot Running: The Pleasure and the Pain

With the foot pain many of us experience from running, it’s tempting to turn to the Barefoot Running Movement for answers! However, according to the American Podiatric Medical Association, the benefits of barefoot running have never been confirmed by research. Although the movement touts upsides such as improved circulation, coordination, and strength, you should speak with our experts at Carrollton Foot Center to ensure barefoot running will be safe and effective for you.

Bare Feet Vs. Regular Shoes

According to the Barefoot Running Movement, humans have been running barefoot since ancient times. Shoes, however, are a recent creation that stunts the way you are naturally designed to move. This notion that regular running shoes are unnatural may make sense to you if your feet hurt while running. This may also explain the success of “minimalist” or “five-toed” shoes. In between bare feet and regular running kicks, minimalist shoes act as a compromise to the pros and cons of pure barefoot running.

Benefits of Barefoot Running:

  • Encourages a more natural running This can help reduce impact on your joints, shorten your strides, and increase athletic performance.
  • Promotes landing on the ball of your feet as opposed to “heel striking,” reducing the chance of injury and plantar fasciitis.
  • Strengthens the muscles in your foot that aren’t usually engaged in regular shoes. Progressively, this could correct flat feet and similar arch problems.

Downsides of Barefoot Running:

  • Increases risk of infection and skin injury. This is especially the case for diabetics, who may not have proper feeling in their feet.
  • Takes time getting acclimated to the “natural” running form. Acclimation struggles also extend to not having access to clean or safe terrain.
  • Heightens the chance of stress fractures and Achilles injuries. This is due to lack of foot support.

Ultimately, it is necessary to weigh both sides to see if barefoot running is right for you. Consult with Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari, a well respected expert who is eager to assist her patients in Denton, Dallas, and Collins Counties. She treats a vast array of issues, from ingrown toenails to plantar fasciitis. Call Carrollton Foot Center’s office (located in Carrollton, Texas) at (469)-998-3668 to book your initial consultation today!

Hitting the Pavement Without the Pain: How Runners Can Conquer Heel Pain

Carrolton Foot Center is all in favor of regular running! It’s an incredibly beneficial form of exercise that delivers consistent benefits, boosting both physical and mental well-being. However, there’s no such thing as a free lunch, and running is no exception.

Heel pain and Achilles tendonitis are among the common costs runners must confront, and like any podiatric problem, they create serious stumbling blocks when left untreated. The blog below should help you stay fit, flexible, and focused on your goals.

Preventing Heel Pain with a Strong Foundation

You can keep heel pain from starting with some of these preventative measures.

  • Supportive Shoes: Invest in well-fitting running shoes with proper arch support and cushioning specifically designed for your running style. Replace them every 300-500 miles to maintain optimal shock absorption.
  • Stretch It Out: Regularly performing calf stretches and foot mobilizations helps maintain flexibility and range of motion, reducing stress on the heel.
  • Gradual Progression: Don’t jump into high mileage or intense training too quickly. Gradually increase distance and intensity to allow your body to adapt and strengthen.
  • Cross-Training: Mix up your routine with low-impact activities like swimming or cycling to provide recovery periods for your heels.

Managing Heel Pain: When Prevention Isn’t Enough

Sometimes, you’ll need to handle pain that’s already present, and RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) isn’t always enough.

  • Custom Orthotics: Podiatrists can create custom orthotic inserts that address your specific biomechanical imbalances, providing targeted support and pressure relief to prevent conditions like plantar fasciitis and overpronation.
  • Pain Relief Options: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage discomfort.

Treating Persistent Heel Pain: Advanced Strategies

If pain persists despite conservative measures, your podiatrist may recommend:

  • Leneva® Fat Pad Injections: These injections replenish lost cushioning in the heel pad, promoting pain relief and tissue healing, which is particularly helpful for plantar fasciitis.

Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari is committed to helping patients in Carrollton, TX. With advanced treatment methods, she offers assistance with everything from ingrown toenails to sophisticated surgical solutions. Contact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!

How Certain Foods Affect Arthritis Symptoms

We all know how closely related our diets are to our physical and mental health, but one connection that’s frequently overlooked is the relationship between our food choices and our foot health. In honor of National Nutrition Month, Dr. Khavari of Carrollton Foot Center, PLLC, wants to bring our feet into the equation, exploring a very common foot condition that is greatly affected by what’s on our plates – arthritis.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is the swelling of one or more joints, and with 33 joints in the foot, there’s plenty of room for arthritis to develop. Arthritis in the feet can manifest in various forms, all of which result in joint discomfort and limited mobility.

The Impact of Poor Nutrition:

Inflammatory Foods

Consuming a diet rich in inflammatory foods can cause inflammation in the body. Processed foods, sugary snacks, and excessive red meat intake are known to trigger inflammation, intensifying arthritis symptoms in the feet.

Lack of Antioxidants

Antioxidants play a crucial role in neutralizing free radicals, which can contribute to joint damage. A deficiency in antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, and nuts may leave the joints vulnerable to oxidative stress, worsening arthritis symptoms. Anti-inflammatory foods, such as fatty fish, leafy greens, berries, and nuts, can help reduce inflammation and alleviate arthritis symptoms in the feet.

Omega-6 Fatty Acids Imbalance

An imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids can promote inflammation. Diets high in processed oils and fried foods, which are abundant in omega-6 fatty acids, need to be balanced out with omega-3 to maintain joint health. Incorporating sources of omega-3, such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, and fatty fish, while minimizing the consumption of processed oils and fried foods is key!

Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies

Inadequate intake of essential vitamins and minerals can contribute to weakened bones and joints. This deficiency may lead to an increased risk of arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis in the feet. Make sure to incorporate enough vitamin D, calcium, and antioxidants into your diet to support joint health.

Making informed dietary choices is essential in alleviating arthritis pain and discomfort. Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Khavari in Carrollton, TX, is committed to helping her clients prioritize their foot health so they can feel their best. Contact our office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment!

Two New Ways to Treat Toenail Fungus

Nail fungus, or onychomycosis, isn’t just unsightly – it can be painful and persistent, too. While traditional treatments can work, they often involve months of topical medications or oral antifungals. And frankly, they also tend to produce mixed results and potential side effects.

Podiatry is a field that’s friendly to innovation, however. That’s why the expert team at Carrollton Foot Center is proud to employ two innovative tools when treating toenail fungus: The Lunula Laser and KeryFlex nails. Used in tandem, these dynamic new treatments are revolutionizing the way our DPM approaches onychomycosis. Read on to learn how!

Shining a Light

  • The Lunula Laser utilizes painless, low-level laser therapy.
  • Its unique dual-wavelength approach targets the fungus directly while stimulating the nail bed to promote healthier growth.
  • This non-invasive treatment requires no downtime and boasts a high success rate, making it a patient-friendly option.

Adding Strength and Beauty

  • KeryFlex nails are flexible, resin-based prosthetics that seamlessly adhere to the damaged nail.
  • They offer immediate cosmetic improvement, hiding discoloration and restoring a natural appearance.
  • Their benefits go beyond aesthetics: KeryFlex nails create a protective barrier, preventing further fungal invasion and promoting healthy nail growth underneath.

The Synergistic Duo

Combining Lunula Laser’s fungus-fighting power with KeryFlex’s protective shield creates a powerful one-two punch against onychomycosis. The laser tackles the infection at its source, while the KeryFlex nail provides a favorable environment for healthy nail growth, preventing reinfection.

Compared to traditional methods, this duo offers several advantages in the fight against fungus:

  • Painless and non-invasive: No needles, harsh chemicals, or uncomfortable side effects.
  • Faster results: Visible improvement in weeks, compared to months with traditional treatments.
  • Higher success rates: Studies show high efficacy with both Lunula Laser and KeryFlex, often exceeding oral antifungals.
  • Improved patient experience: Comfortable, convenient, and cosmetically appealing.

Are you still struggling with fungal toenails? Our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari, is here to help. She treats various conditions such as bunionscornscallusesdiabetic foot conditionsingrown toenailsplantar fasciitis, and more. Our team provides superior service to patients in Denton, Dallas, and Collins counties. Contact our office at (469) 998-3668 for your foot and ankle solutions! Our office is at 4221 Medical Parkway, STE 450, in Carrollton, TX.

Custom Orthotics Cater to Feet of All Ages

Sometimes, we all need a little extra support to function. And when it comes to your feet, that’s especially true! Tired arches and aching heels don’t usually mend themselves, and leaving problems untreated can lead to further complications. This holds true for both our youngest patients and the senior citizens that we treat at Carrollton Foot Center.

In many cases, conservative interventions can make all the difference. That’s where custom orthotics come in, offering personalized solutions for both children and adults. Take a look at the information below to find out what these sole savers can do for you!

Growing Strong: Orthotics for Developing Feet

  • Children’s feet are constantly growing and evolving, and sometimes, that growth can lead to misalignments like flat feet or high arches.
  • Custom orthotics, crafted to mold perfectly to a child’s unique foot shape, can promote proper development, guiding growing bones into correct alignment while reducing the risk of long-term problems like hip and knee pain.
  • Early intervention with orthotics can address issues like heel pain and ingrown toenails, improving a child’s overall comfort and participation in activities.
  • By providing stability and support, orthotics can improve balance, coordination, and endurance, giving young athletes a boost in their chosen sports.

Stepping Ahead: Orthotics for Adult Feet

  • Whether it’s plantar fasciitis, arthritis, or simply tired feet, orthotics can redistribute pressure and provide cushioning, leading to pain relief and improved mobility.
  • Orthotics can address problems like foot pronation or supination, preventing further damage and improving overall posture and gait.
  • For individuals with diabetes or neurological issues, orthotics can play a crucial role in preventing foot ulcers and promoting wound healing.

Customized for You

  • Unlike the one-size-fits-all approach of over-the-counter inserts, custom orthotics are made specifically for each individual’s foot.
  • The precise fit minimizes pressure points, providing targeted support exactly where it’s needed.
  • High-quality materials ensure your orthotics withstand the demands of daily life.
  • With proper care, custom orthotics can offer years of improved foot health and comfort.

Wondering if orthotics are right for you? Come ask board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari! Committed to helping all her clients in Carrollton, TX, she offers a wide variety of treatments, from ingrown toenails to advanced surgical solutionsContact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!

Shockingly Effective: Non-Invasive RSWT Nixes Nasty Heel Pain

Heel pain can derail your day, and unfortunately, it can also be a stubbornly persistent problem. Typically caused by weakened or strained plantar fascia, untreated heel pain can spiral into further complications and become intensely painful.

At Carrollton Foot Center, many of our patients have active lifestyles, so they’re eager to return to their normal daily activities. And because we utilize the latest in advanced medical technology, we often recommend RSWT, or Radial Pulse Shockwave Therapy, to help repair your heels and get your routine back to normal.

This post is devoted to explaining the ins and outs of RSWT, covering what it can treat, how it works, and why it might just be the perfect choice for your aching heels!

What is RSWT?

Radial Pulse Shockwave Therapy may be sophisticated technology, but in some ways it’s simple:

  • This FDA-approved method has been shown to speed up the rate of recovery for soft tissue tendinopathy and related conditions.
  • Of all the non-invasive, conservative treatments available, it is the most advanced.
  • It uses sound waves to trigger your body’s natural healing response.

What Can It Treat?

RSWT can be a great option for treating a variety of issues, but most of them pertain directly to soft tissue dysfunction or similar problems, such as:

How Does it Work?

Chronic pain can trick your response systems; if it endures long enough, it will cause your body to stop recognizing that there is an injury in the afflicted region. Once this occurs, the healing process is halted, but the pain will remain. That’s when RSWT really comes in handy:

  • Ballistic sound waves penetrate deeply into the soft tissue and cause a minor inflammatory issue in the chosen area.
  • The soundwaves and inflammation reactivate your body’s natural healing process.
  • Additionally, energy emissions cause the cells in surrounding tissue to exude biochemical substances that empower your boy’s healing capabilities.
  • Said biochemical substances enable the construction of new blood vessels and soft tissue as needed.

When it comes to innovation, Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari is always raising the bar in Carrollton, TX. She offers a variety of treatments, from conservative interventions to advanced surgical solutions. Contact our office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!

Lapiplasty Repair: Your Best Bet for Beating Bunions

When you’re out on the town or working in the office, you are more likely to wear high heels, flats, or loafers. And although fashionable footwear can make you look more professional and stylish, it comes with a cost. Unfortunately for your feet, these shoes are often too narrow, too high, or restrictive. They provide little support or stability, and over time, they can produce issues with bunions.

What is a Bunion?

A bunion is a joint that has been moved or displaced. It usually occurs between the big toe and the long bone behind it. At first, your toe might look like it has a bump or a callus growing on the side of it. As time goes on, this bulge gets larger. The big toe will start to point in the opposite direction as it increases in size, which can be painful. Bunions can occur in males and females alike, but according to the American Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Society, they are ten times more likely to afflict women than men.

How do I treat a bunion that’s gotten out of control?

When bunions form, treatment isn’t always straightforward. Some methods include:

  • Changing to shoes that take pressure off the big toe.
  • Anti-inflammatory medication.
  • Cortisone injections.

Conservative methods don’t always cut it. If they don’t succeed, surgery is sometimes the best or only option. We prefer minimally invasive, modern options whenever possible. Carrollton Foot Center, PLLC, seeks to offer the most sophisticated, comprehensive treatment available. And one of the most innovative of these is called Lapiplasty surgery. This surgery can:

  • Correct deformity in three dimensions, as opposed to a 2D correction fixing just one direction.
  • A small incision and specialized instruments let us hold bones in place with a titanium plate.
  • Faster healing means patients can start walking in days, returning to normal activity in weeks.

If you are considering bunion surgery, contact and schedule a meeting with Dr. Nagmeh Lilly Khavari. A renowned podiatrist with extensive surgical training, Dr. Khavari served as chief resident of the Kern program at Michigan Surgical Hospital for several years. Our team is passionate about providing best-in-class treatment to patients in Denton, Dallas, and Collison counties. Give us a call at (469) 998-3668.

How To Find Your Correct Shoe Size

Having your feet measured professionally is a good idea when shopping for shoes. As we age, our feet grow when the tendons and ligaments lose elasticity. The results are that the toes spread out, the arch flattens, and the feet become longer and wider.

Using The Brannock Device

This strange-looking metal device used to measure your feet in shoe stores is called a Brannock Device. It has been in use for almost 100 years!

Charles F. Brannock came from a shoe industry family and wanted an improved means of measuring the length and width of your feet and the height of the arch. The foot-measuring device that we know today as the Brannock device gives accurate measurements of both right and left feet and is the international footwear industry standard.

There are models for men’s shoe sizing, women’s and children’s, and specialized types for athletic shoes and ski boots. Even the Smithsonian Institution recognizes its contribution to the American industry and houses samples of some of the first Brannock devices.

Getting the Right Shoe Fit Is Important

Studies show that only about 37% of people wear shoes of the correct length and width! Are you one of them? Wearing shoes that are too short, too narrow, or too tight can cause some significant foot problems, including:

  • Neuropathy: Pins and needles in the feet and decreased sensation can be caused by tight-fitting shoes that put pressure on the nerves.
  • Hammertoe: Shoes that are too narrow in the toe box can force toes to bend unnaturally into the hammertoe shape. Besides being painful, the skin of the hammertoe can have corns and calluses from footwear pressure against bony spots.
  • Ingrown toenails: Pressure on the toe from poorly fitting shoes can force the edge of a toenail to grow into the skin and become infected.
  • Bunion: Although tight shoes won’t cause a painful bunion, they can worsen it by pushing the big toe.

Foot pain from poorly-fitting shoes can also cause mobility issues and falls. Play it safe – measure both feet at least twice yearly for foot comfort and safety.

Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari is committed to helping her clients in Carrollton, TX. She offers a wide variety of treatments, from ingrown toenails to advanced surgical solutions. Contact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!

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