
Back-To-School Foot Care Tips

August is back-to-school month! Are you starting to prepare your kids for early mornings, homework, and fall sports? One of the best things you can do for your child’s health this school year is to start or continue prioritizing foot care.

Here are some easy ways to include healthy feet in your back-to-school prep and checklists:


Start Fresh with New Shoes and Socks

Back-to-school shopping can be costly. When you consider shopping for shoes and socks, it can be overwhelming. If there is one investment that we cannot underestimate, it is comfort and support for your children and their feet. Poor foot hygiene at a young age can lead to more problems in the future.

Bring Them for a Yearly Podiatry Appointment

Check with their podiatrist if your child is still healing from an ankle sprain from a summer sport. Ankle sprains are common injuries that can lead to prolonged symptoms, including weak ankles or arthritis. From blisters and bunions to ingrown toenails, now is the time to address foot issues. Schedule an appointment with your podiatrist today.

Discuss Healthy Foot Care Habits and Hygiene Tips

Does your child know that sharing shoes is not a good idea? Are they wearing shoes in the locker room if they play sports? There are key hygiene habits to share with your child before returning to school. From athlete’s foot to fungal toenails, sharing germs is an unfortunate part of sharing common spaces in school. But these can easily be prevented with some simple switches and reminders.


Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari is committed to helping her clients in Carrollton, TX. She offers a wide variety of treatments, from ingrown toenails to advanced surgical solutions. Contact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!

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