
Getting Rid of Bunions

Living with a bunion can not only be painful, but it can also disrupt much of your daily life. When the bones in the front part of your foot shift out of place, it creates a bony bump on your big toe joint. Walking, exercising, or wearing shoes may be more difficult with a bunion. The good news is, there are plenty of treatment options for bunions and we’re here to share some of them!


Some signs you may have a bunion include…

  • A bony bump on the base of your big toe
  • Pain, redness, or swelling around the big toe.
  • Calluses
  • Corns
  • Pain, particularly when walking
  • Difficulty moving your big toe.
  • Difficulty finding shoes that fit comfortably.


Depending on the severity and pain of your bunion, treatment options vary. Most podiatrists will recommend one or more of the following:

  • Wearing comfortable shoes
  • Bunion pads or cushions
  • Over-the-counter medicine, like Advil
  • Cortisone shots
  • Padded shoe inserts, like orthotics
  • Applying ice
  • Attending physical therapy
  • Removing the swelling around the bunion
  • Removing part of the bone
  • Realigning the bone

One of the latest treatment options for bunions comes from Lapiplasty, an innovative 3D bunion correction procedure. Carrollton Foot Center understands that traditional bunion surgeries can come with complications and don’t necessarily fix the foot problem of a bunion. Lapiplasty, instead, alters the alignment of your bones, ensuring a permanent fix. Other benefits of Lapiplasty include…

  • One surgery to fix your bunion.
  • Recovery in a boot, instead of a cast
  • Ability to wear whatever shoes you’d like after surgery.
  • Minimal recovery time

Think Lapiplasty is for you? Call our office today to ask our team about it!

Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari is committed to helping her clients in Carrollton, TX. She offers a wide variety of treatments from ingrown toenails to advanced surgical solutions. Contact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!


Healthy Eating for Healthy Feet

Did you know that what you eat and the habits you make can make a big impact on the health of your feet? March is National Nutrition Month and we want to raise awareness on this important topic. Keeping your body and feet in great shape well into your senior years is important if you want to stay active and mobile. Choosing healthier, vitamin-enriched foods is easier than most people think. How can you make better choices this March? Here are some of our top tips and tricks!

  1. Exercise 3-4 times a week. If you’re not into heavy lifting or long runs on the bike trail, keep it light with some yoga or a gentle walk. Any form of action will help you maintain a healthier weight and keep your blood flowing nicely.
  2. Ensure you’re eating enough fruits and veggies throughout the day. Instead of potato chips, grab an apple or some carrot sticks.
  3. Takeout may be quick and delicious, but they’re usually packed with excess sodium, sugars, and unnecessary ingredients. Go for home-cooked meals, where you can choose what goes into your meal.
  4. Make the switch to healthier alternatives to your favorite foods. Like pasta? Try whole wheat or veggie pasta! White rice may be tasty, but quinoa and brown rice pack a lot more nutritional value. Making potatoes for dinner? Leave the skins on or try sweet potatoes! Instead of your daily bowl of breakfast cereals, go for oatmeal or granola to cut down on sugar.
  5. Dehydration isn’t good for your body and digestive system, so make sure you’re drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day.
  6. Do you tend to skip breakfast? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you’re normally rushing around in the morning, go for something quick and easy, like a banana or a cup of yogurt. You can take them on the go, too!

Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari is committed to helping her clients in Carrollton, TX. She offers a wide variety of treatments from ingrown toenails to advanced surgical solutions. Contact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!


The Benefits of Stretching Your Feet

Our feet do so much for us, but unfortunately, they’re often overlooked when it comes to physical health and self-care. Taking care of your feet, ankles, and toes can go such a long way. One of the best ways you can do so is by stretching your feet daily. Not only will it help with injury prevention, but it can ease any foot pain you experience and appropriately prepare you for your next workout. Let’s take a closer look!

Keep Your Feet Healthy

The average person walks 150,000 miles in their lifetime. At that rate, your feet are likely to go through some wear and tear as you age. Injuries happen, whether you take precautions or not, especially if you’re athletic. Stretching can not only help you avoid certain overuse injuries but reduce the possibility of developing conditions like plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis. It also helps improve…

  • Blood circulation in your legs. This can go a long way if you have diabetes!
  • Posture
  • Muscle strength
  • Balance
  • Foot pain due to conditions like arthritis, flat foot, and heel pain

Tips and Tricks

As with anything, there’s a right and a wrong way to stretch your feet. To ensure you stay safe during your exercise and get the maximum amount of benefits, keep these tips in mind:

  • If your feet start to hurt, stop your exercise immediately
  • Focus on sore spots.
  • Start slow and easy.
  • Take your time! There’s no rush.
  • Make sure you’re stretching for at least 30 seconds at a time.
  • Repeat on both feet.

Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari is committed to helping her clients in Carrollton, TX. She offers a wide variety of treatments from ingrown toenails to advanced surgical solutions. Contact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!

Toe Cramps

Dealing With Toe Cramps

Toe cramps may not be a serious condition, but the effects of it can range from mild annoyance to serious pain that makes walking more difficult. If toe cramps are interfering with your daily life, it’s crucial that you talk to your podiatrist for fast and easy relief. They can help get you back on the right path to being pain-free and help diagnose the root cause of the cramping! Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons why you might have toe cramps.

Tight or Weak Muscles

There are dozens of tiny muscles in your feet and toes. If one of them becomes too tight or weak, it can lead to muscle spasms, which create pain. Ankle pain and Achilles tendonitis are also known to leave you with toe and foot cramps. New exercise routines, too-tight shoes, sitting for too long, and not stretching before your workout can all lead to muscle tension and weakness.

Ill-Fitting Shoes

High heels, too-tight shoes, or too-loose shoes can put too much pressure on your toes, making way for pain and eventually cramps. Finding shoes in your right size with a wide, spacious toe box is key to eliminating toe cramps.


Dehydration is known to make your muscles feel tight and tense. This tension can easily lead to cramping if you’re dehydrated for an extended period. Ensure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day.

Muscle Injuries

An unhealed injury to your feet, calves, or toes can cause toe cramping and soreness. Sprains, strains, and other injuries to your ligaments typically create pain and tenderness in your toes.

Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari is committed to helping her clients in Carrollton, TX. She offers a wide variety of treatments from ingrown toenails to advanced surgical solutions. Contact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!


Pain-Free Feet for The Holidays

The holidays are here! Christmas and New Year’s are a time for joy and celebration. But while you’re spending quality time with loved ones and searching for the perfect gifts, you may be neglecting your feet. A common complaint for people is achy feet around the holidays, since we’re usually up on our feet cooking, shopping, and participating in fun activities. But we have some good news! You can still enjoy your holiday season and keep your feet pain-free by incorporating some easy foot care steps into your routine. Here are our top tips for success!

Take A Foot Bath

After a long day of cooking and entertaining guests, this is exactly the thing your feet will need. Not only do foot baths help with inflammation, foot odor, and sore muscles, but they are super relaxing and the perfect way to destress. Fill your bathtub with lukewarm water up to ankle level, then add Epsom salts, essential oils, or tea bags for added benefits. Soak your feet for around 20 minutes, then dry them completely.

Incorporate Inserts

Arch support helps greatly if you’re on your feet for long periods. Is your favorite pair of shoes not cutting it when it comes to comfort? Look into getting a pair of arch support inserts. Or better yet, custom orthotics. Orthotics can help with a wide range of foot concerns, from arthritis to flatfoot.

Ice Your Feet

Inflammation causes soreness, and soreness is a complete buzzkill during the holiday season. Instead, apply ice to sore feet for 10 minutes each day. You can do this by putting some ice cubes into a towel or plastic bag, or try freezing a water bottle and rolling your feet on it.

If you find your feet are still suffering, it may be a sign of a larger issue at hand. For continuous foot pain, call your podiatrist for help.

Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari is committed to helping her clients in Carrollton, TX. She offers a wide variety of treatments from ingrown toenails to advanced surgical solutions. Contact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!


Shoe Shopping Tips for This Fall

November’s here and that means Black Friday and Christmas are approaching. If you’re going through your wardrobe, deciding what to keep, what to toss, and what you need to stock up on, you’re likely looking at your shoes, too. Shopping for new shoes can be nerve-wracking, especially if you find you’re always buying the wrong pairs. This fall, Carrollton Foot Center has your back! Here are our best tips for finding your new shoes this season.

  1. Shoes should always feel comfortable in the store. Don’t bother buying a pair that you intend on “breaking in”. This can not only lead to pain, but damage to your feet and ankles.
  2. Don’t be afraid to walk around the store and test the comfort of the shoes. Are they providing enough arch support? Are your toes squished? Or do your feet feel supported and comfy?
  3. Keep any concerns or conditions in mind! If you have diabetes or a nerve disorder, stick to shoes that provide extra comfort and help ease the pain. Do you work on your feet all day? Arch support is key.
  4. Find a pair you really love? Buy doubles! This will prevent your shoes from breaking down quickly and allow your shoes to air out in between wears.
  5. Always get your feet remeasured. Our feet are constantly growing and changing, especially as we age. This means your size from last year might not be your size right now.
  6. Bring along your favorite socks or custom orthotics! You’ll get the most realistic idea of how your new pair will fit.
  7. Consider shopping later in the day. Our feet swell and get larger as the day goes on. So, choosing a time in the afternoon to shoe shop will give you the best fit!
  8. If you’re in between sizes, choose the larger one. It’s better for your shoes to feel a little big than for your toes to get squished!

Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Naghmeh Lilly Khavari is committed to helping her clients in Carrollton, TX. She offers a wide variety of treatments from ingrown toenails to advanced surgical solutions. Contact Carrollton Foot Center’s office at 469-998-3668 to schedule an appointment today!

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